A special topic for the May, 2021 Virtual Town Meeting is the SOT Program Data Points database. ORR has made some updates to the Refugee Arrivals Data System (RADS) Survivors of Torture (SOT) Program Data Points (PDP) Database and this webinar reviews those changes and other SOT data reporting requirements including demographics (e.g., ethnicity, language, country of origin) and outcome indicators. This webinar also includes a report on data collected in the RADS database in 2020. The RADS SOT Database is available October 1 through November 1, 2021. For questions contact Sabrina Torres, Program Officer [email protected]
- Tim Kelly, Sabrina Torres, and PK Subedi of the Office of Refugee Resettlement will provide a brief update/refresher on data reporting requirements; GDIT Team members Kenneth Rohrer, Lyssa Reynolds, and Josette O’Neil are also on hand to talk about RADS updates.
- RADS SOT Database Training FY2021 PPT (ORR SOT Database FY20 Training: Entering PDP in RADS)
- SOT Program Data Points FORM
- SOT Program Data Points Form USER GUIDE
- ORR SOT Grantee Reporting Guidance FY2021
- RADS Release 3.4 Frequently Asked Questions
- RADS Release 3.4 User Guide for login assistance on new procedure
- RADS SOT Database User Request FORM (New User Request Form)
- SOT Program Data Points dropdown Lists: Country, Ethnicity, Language