- Working with Interpreters
- Self-care for Providers
- Advanced Clinicians
- Training Mental Health Evaluators
- Treatment Model
- Specific Populations
- Asylum Process
- US Asylum Law
- One-Year Filing Deadline
- Asylum seekers in detention
- Evaluation Practice Manuals
- Working with Torture Survivors
- Role of the Mental Health Professional
- Psychological Consequences of Torture
- Components of the Evaluation
- Screening Tools and Standardized Measures
- Traumatic Brain Injury and Assessment
- Client meetings & communication
- Supporting client during asylum process
- Writing effective affidavits
- Expert witness testimony
- The Adjudicator’s Perspective
- Special Topics
- Survivors from specific groups
The Complex Care of a Torture Survivor in the United States: The Case of “Joshua.”
Neuropsychological assessment of refugees: Methodological and cross-cultural barriers
Strangulation, domestic violence, and brain injury: An introduction to a complex topic
Prevalence and risk factors for intimate partner physical violence–related acquired brain injury among visitors to justice center in New York
Traumatic brain injury as a disorder of brain connectivity
Transnational Pacific Islanders: Implications for Social Work
The journey to becoming trauma-informed – using pilot trauma training data to highlight the role of dental services in supporting patients affected by psychological trauma
Dental anxiety in relation to torture experiences and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder
The torture victim and the dentist: The social and material dynamics of trauma re-experiencing triggered by dental visits
Ambiguous loss of home: Syrian refugees and the process of losing and remaking home
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