Torture and War Trauma Brochures
These informational brochures contain identifying information about the physical and psychological effects of torture and war trauma and suggest appropriate interventions. These brochures are designed for a focused group consisting of individual survivors, family members and refugee communities
You are encouraged to reproduce the brochures for use by your agency or to request hard copies contact Ev Lennon at The Center for Victims of Torture by email(link sends e-mail) or call her at 612.436.4857.
Please note that distributing these materials to your clients commits you and your agency to the task of providing appropriate mental health resources and referrals.
The editing, proofreading, and translation were provided by the Somali and Bosnian Refugee Mental Health Advisory Boards of CVT.
Preview Information_for_Survivors-English.pdf
Preview Information_for_Families-English.pdf
Preview Information_for_Refugee_Communities-English.pdf
Preview Information_for_Survivors-Bosnian.pdf
Preview Information_for_Families-Bosnian.pdf
Preview Information_for_Refugee_Communities-Bosnian.pdf
Preview Information_for_Survivors-Somali.pdf
Preview Information_for_Families-Somali.pdf
Preview Information_for_Refugee_Communities-Somali.pdf