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Infographics: sharing your SOT program’s work effectively

Original Publication Date: June 16, 2016
Last Updated: June 26, 2024
Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

By Alyce Eaton, CVT Research Coordinator

Infographics are an effective way to show your work – through social media, as an attachment to a grant proposal, or as a gateway to more engagement with data. The infographic below shows the work of CVT’s St. Paul Healing Center during 2015, which coincides with United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture (UNVFVT) reporting to use data already being compiled. 

(Click to preview the infographic below or to download the PDF.)

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This infographic was created in Piktochart, an online software that is easy to use no matter your design skills. There is a free version (which shows a small watermark),while this example was created through a nonprofit account ($40/year), which allows for more creative flexibility. With Piktochart, it is easy to plug in your agency’s colors and logo; there is also a useful map feature (see the Countries of Origin map in this graphic). I generally avoid the pre-made templates – they are too informal for sharing information about torture rehabilitation; however, they can be useful as a starting point.

For designing your infographic, it’s important to present data simply and clearly, without over-simplifying – a balance that you can strike by researching “data visualization” techniques. Note that Piktochart may be a little frustrating for those starting out with more advanced design skills.

We spent about 15 hours creating this infographic, which included consulting with multiple decision-makers within CVT. If you know what information your colleagues would like to have at their fingertips (or in this case, tacked up in their cubicle), you’ll be able to make a product that is visually pleasing and tells an important story about your work with survivors.

Additional Resources

Social Media in Service of Torture Survivors This webinar by Beth Scudder and C.C. Strom of the Center for Victims of torture includes a list of infographic and map making tools and photo sharing site information.

June 26th marketing tools from IRCT The International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) in Copenhagen has created a June 26 Campaign Kit which includes a range of materials designed to help interested programs organize a successful campaign on the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.

An infographic from that shows the rigorous process for refugee entry into the US  The Screening Process for Refugee Entry Into the United States.

Additional Resources