Best Practices for Social Work with Refugees and Immigrants
Publication Date:
March 4, 2025
Estimated Read Time:
< 1 minute
The second edition of Best Practices for Social Work with Refugees and Immigrants offers an update to this comprehensive guide to social work with foreign-born clients and an evaluation of various helping strategies and their methodological strengths and weaknesses. It incorporates the latest research to provide a practical, up-to-date resource.
Citation: Potocky, M. & Naseh, M. (2019). Best Practices for Social Work with Refugees and Immigrants. New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press.
Additional Resources
resourceSocial Workers’ Views of Ways to Engage Communities in Refugee Resettlement
resourceTransnational Pacific Islanders: Implications for Social Work
resourceExtended case management services among resettled refugees in the United States
resourceCaring for Victims of Torture
resourceCase management & interviewing techniques