Sustainable Fundraising
In 2010 the National Capacity Building Project of the Center for Victims of Torture hosted an Institute on the subject of “Creating Financial Sustainability in Programs Serving Torture Survivors “. Lori Jacobwith’s dynamic session on Sustainable Fundraising was recorded and is available to you here in six parts. You can use the menu at right to navigate through the six sections:
Objectives of the session; discussion of fundraising challenges; the importance of communication; the practice of clarity in communication; three-sentence introductions, value statement “We are (who?) and we specialize in working with (whom?) and we help them (to do what?)”.
Storytelling; dealing with client confidentiality; examples of two-minute stories; examples of six-word stories.
Our relationship to money; three toxic myths of scarcity; the impact of money; fundraising as a call to communication rather than a transaction; communicating what’s missing to potential funders.
Empowering people with their gifts; making good use of board members; 9 steps for a successful fundraising campaign.
Part 5: Maximize Relationships/Stay Relevant
Monthly contacts; multiple touches; meaningful donor communication.
Sustainable strategies; making fundraising fun; ah-has from this presentation.
WebinarSustainable Fundraising, part 1 of 6: Introduction
WebinarSustainable Fundraising, part 2 of 6: Storytelling
WebinarSustainable Fundraising, part 3 of 6: Money
WebinarSustainable Fundraising, part 4 of 6: Asking/Take Action
WebinarSustainable Fundraising, part 5 of 6: Maximize Relationships/Stay Relevant
WebinarSustainable Fundraising, part 6 of 6: Conclusion