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ORR-SOT Recipient Virtual Town Meeting: Strengthening Afghan Families

August 14, 2024 1:00PM Eastern Time

Virtual Town Meeting for ORR-SOT Recipients

The next ORR-SOT Virtual Town Meeting (VTM) is scheduled for Wednesday, August 14, 2024. The meeting will be conducted in a webinar format and the invitation is open to SASIC programs as well. Information about the meeting, including how to register, is below.

ORR requires that each program have one representative attend the VTM, and strongly encourages other program staff who work with SOT and SASIC clients to also attend.


This is a foundational introduction to HTI (Healing Trauma Institute), a comprehensive new model for healing trauma. The session will cover cultural considerations and practical hands-on approach when it comes to trauma-informed care.

Learning Objectives

After attending this webinar, participants will be able to:


Dr. Omar Reda | Psychiatrist & Author

Dr. Omar Reda is a board-certified psychiatrist, a Harvard-trained trauma expert, an author of 8 books including Untangled and The Wounded Healer, and is the founder of HTI (Healing Trauma Institute).