Young Children and Trauma: Intervention and Treatment
by Joy D. Osofsky (Editor)
Especially recommended chapter from this book is the chapter entitled: Rainbows of Tears, Souls Full of Hope: Cultural Issues Related to Young Children and Trauma by Chandra Ghosh Ippen and Marva L. Lewis
Introduction: Recent years have seen significant advances in knowledge about the effects of exposure to psychological trauma on young children from birth to age 5. This volume brings together leading experts to address practical considerations in working with traumatized young children and their caregivers. State-of-the-art assessment and treatment approaches are presented, together with innovative service delivery models. With a focus on building cross-disciplinary collaboration to better serve this vulnerable population, this is an indispensable resource for all mental health and human service professionals working with children at risk.
Available from and other booksellers.
Additional Resources
resourceTreating patients with traumatic life experiences: providing trauma-informed care
resourceNeuropsychological assessment of refugees: Methodological and cross-cultural barriers
resourceStrangulation, domestic violence, and brain injury: An introduction to a complex topic
resourcePrevalence and risk factors for intimate partner physical violence–related acquired brain injury among visitors to justice center in New York