The Trauma of Psychological Torture
Original Publication Date:
April 4, 2012
Last Updated:
February 14, 2023
Estimated Read Time:
< 1 minute
The Trauma of Psychological Torture
Edited by Almerindo E. Ojeda
This book is the joint effort of scholars from the University of California Center for the Study of Human Rights in the Americas, to Harvard Medical School, to paint a clear picture of psychological torture, and its longterm affects, and spur action to stop the practice.
Additional Resources
resourceTreating patients with traumatic life experiences: providing trauma-informed care
resourceNeuropsychological assessment of refugees: Methodological and cross-cultural barriers
resourceStrangulation, domestic violence, and brain injury: An introduction to a complex topic
resourcePrevalence and risk factors for intimate partner physical violence–related acquired brain injury among visitors to justice center in New York