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TANF for Afghan Interpreters

Original Publication Date: August 27, 2020
Last Updated: February 13, 2023
Estimated Read Time: < 1 minute

A number of the Afghan interpreters that are being evacuated from Afghanistan are being offered resettlement in the United States. A number of these Afghan interpreters are now special immigrants.  As you may know, Afghan special immigrants are to be treated the same as refugees for the purpose of Federal benefits, meaning they are eligible for benefits available to refugees, including TANF.  See 8 U.S.C. 1101 note. 

However, rather than provide Afghan special immigrants with the previous designations, DHS has created a special code for Afghan special immigrants:  SQ/SI Parole (per section 602(B)(1) AAPA/Section 1059(a) NDAA 2006). 

Please see attached documents for more information.


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