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Services for Survivors of Torture (SOT) Program International Rescue Committee - Arizona: Tucson

Services Provided
Legal Services, Medical Services, Mental Health Services, Social Services
Referral Information

Referral can be emailed to [email protected] or [email protected]. Then a referral form will be provided and asked to be completed.

The IRC Center For Well-Being, with locations in Phoenix and Tucson, is a unique resettlement agency-based program that provides a wide array of mental health services to refugees and asylees. Services include in-home well-being promotion, individual and group psychotherapy, including alternative therapies, and intensive case management for survivors of torture.

IRC Tucson is a member of the National Consortium of Torture Treatment Programs.

Do you have to be a survivor of torture to be eligible for your services?

Yes, however, we do have other programs in at IRC in Arizona that serve victims of crime, victims of human trafficking, refugees, and asylum seekers.

If someone is not eligible for your services do you assist with local referrals?


Expanded details of program’s services

The SOT Program in Arizona uses a client-centered model and trauma-informed approach. The program strives to provide culturally and linguistically sensitive services through a multi-site team located in Phoenix and Tucson. Once eligibility is determined, each client is enrolled through an intake assessment and an outcome matrix with detailed questions that determine the client’s level of self-sufficiency. In addition, a service plan is developed to support the client in the four service areas: Social, Psychiatric/Psychological, Medical, and Legal. We also have other programs at IRC Arizona that serve victims of crime, victims of human trafficking, refugees, and asylum seekers.