International Rescue Committee Sacramento, CA
Please contact Khatera Baqi, Gender and Survivor Services Program Manager, by email at [email protected] or by Mobile: 209-429-0686 or Main Office 510-221-3220.
IRC in Sacramento will leverage its existing holistic service structures to effectively serve torture survivors in and around Sacramento, California who are refugees, asylees, asylum seekers, or who are seeking other forms of humanitarian protection so they and their families can attend to their health, build community support networks, and function effectively. IRC in Sacramento will coordinate and integrate services across multiple sectors so that survivors have improved access to quality services, physical and mental health, legal protection, social connectedness, and economic stability over each project period. This will be done through the implementation of the following objectives annually:
- increase access to and engagement with effective, holistic, strengths-based, trauma-informed, and culturally and linguistically appropriate services for 225 survivors, and
- maintain and grow a strong and sustainable national network of 80 culturally responsive specialized service providers.
Partnering closely with the lead medical and mental health provider, WellSpace Health, IRC in Sacramento will connect survivors of torture with physical and emotional needs to specialized medical and mental health services.
IRC will help survivors gain safety and permanency by providing legal support and, where needed, legal representation. In-house legal services and medical and mental health care will be integrated with case management and psychosocial support that includes a multi-tiered service model that connects people to individualized support, group support, and workshops, as well as referrals to other internal and external services and resources.
IRC expects to serve 225 survivors in year one from at least 10 countries. Clients are expected to include all genders, orientations, and age groups. All services are free to survivors.
IRC Sacramento is not a member of the National Consortium of Torture Treatment Programs.
Do you have to be a survivor of torture to be eligible for your services?
Individuals eligible for services under this program are primary and secondary survivors of torture in a foreign country who are now resident in the U.S., including refugees, asylees, asylum seekers, immigrants, stateless persons, other displaced persons.
If someone is not eligible for your services do you assist with local referrals?
Expanded details of program’s services
- Survivors to be enrolled in individual legal services
- Survivors will receive direct legal consultation
- Survivors to be supported with full legal representation on affirmative applications
- Survivors to be supported with full legal representation on removal proceedings
- Survivors to be enrolled in group legal information sessions
- Survivors to be enrolled in housing services; clients connected to employment
- Survivors to be connected to medical care; clients connected to MHPSS
- Survivors to be connected to community resources, and clients report developed U.S. based support
- Survivors to be enrolled in individual legal services
- Survivors will receive direct legal consultation
- Survivors to be supported with full legal representation on affirmative applications
- Survivors to be supported with full legal representation on removal proceedings
- Survivors to be enrolled in group legal information sessions
- Survivors to be enrolled in housing services; clients connected to employment
- Survivors to be connected to medical care; clients connected to MHPSS
- Survivors to be connected to community resources, and clients report developed U.S. based support
Key Partners in Direct Care (Please send referrals to healing center first)
WellSpace Health
Dr. Janine Bera
WellSpace Health | 777 12th Street, Suite 250, Sacramento, CA 95814-1929
P: 916.469.4690 | www.wellspacehealth.org