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ACCESS Center for Psychosocial Rehabilitation of Survivors of Torture

Services Provided
Legal Services, Medical Services, Mental Health Services, Social Services

ACCESS is a torture treatment program in Dearborn, Michigan, that serves a multi-ethnic clientele of primarily Middle-Eastern descent. Their multidisciplinary team provides psychological, medical, social, and legal services. Torture treatment services were established in 2000.

ACCESS is a member of the National Consortium of Torture Treatment Programs.

Do you have to be a survivor of torture to be eligible for your services?

When an individual does not fit the criteria screening for the SOT services, individuals are referred to ACCESS’s general mental health services, or if needed referrals are made to outside agencies.

If someone is not eligible for your services do you assist with local referrals?


Expanded details of program’s services

Individual, family and group therapy, Case management, Psychiatric services, Trauma-informed interventions, Prevention groups, Legal and immigration services, Employment coordination, Basic medical need/ coordination for intense medical services, Hope house referrals.