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AsylumWorks Fellowship Training Series

National Capacity Building Project in partnership with AsylumWorks

The National Capacity Building (NCB) Project at the Center for Victims of Torture is pleased to announce a special training for NCTTP Members and ORR SOT Grant Recipients, “AsylumWorks Fellowship Training”. This training will be conducted as a 4-part series, including the initial session and three ask the expert sessions. To view these sessions you must be a full member and logged into your account. Please click here to log in or here to request an account.

Initial Session: AsylumWorks Fellowship Training


The primary objective of the initial webinar is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of AsylumWorks’ fellowship program. By the conclusion of the webinar, attendees will have the ability to articulate the purpose and scope of the fellowship initiative, distinguish its boundaries, and recognize the substantial benefits that fellows bring to Survivor of Torture (SOT) programs. The webinar will conclude with a set of inquiries designed to assist learners in assessing the suitability of a fellowship program for their SOT program.

Who should attend?

The initial webinar will be geared toward program/ organizational decision makers (i.e. program directors, human resource managers, executive directors, etc.) of Survivor of Torture (SOT) programs that are funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement and/or are members of the National Consortium of Torture Treatment Programs.


 After attending this webinar, participants will be able to:  

Ask the Expert Panel Sessions:
Stages One through Three

The next three sessions discuss the mechanics of the fellowship program across three distinct stages.

Stage one, two, and three will take the form of Ask the Expert panel sessions, lasting approximately 90 minutes each. They will be facilitated by two AsylumWorks staff, one of whom will identify as a graduated fellow and will be identified only with their first name and the first letter of their last name. Each webinar will reserve at least 30 minutes for Q&A. By the end of each webinar, participants will have a better understanding of the administrative, managerial, and programmatic time and effort needed to implement the fellowship program successfully.

Stage One

Description: Stage one will be facilitated by two AsylumWorks staff, Madeleine P. and Amira K., and will focus on how to recruit prospective fellows, suggested hiring criteria, interview best practices, best practices to guide fellow on-boarding, fellowship training topics (fellow challenges and program challenges).

 After attending this webinar, participants will be able to:  

Who should attend?
Staff of torture rehabilitation programs that are funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement and/or members of the National Consortium of Torture Treatment Programs.

Stage Two

Description: Stage two will be facilitated by two AsylumWorks staff, Awel A. and Etsegenet K., and focuses on navigating challenges during the first 90 days, communicating corrective actions, fellow supervision (fellow challenges and program challenges), and managing group dynamics.

 After attending this webinar, participants will be able to:  

Who should attend?
Staff of torture rehabilitation programs that are funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement and/or members of the National Consortium of Torture Treatment Programs.

Stage Three

Description: Stage three will be facilitated by two AsylumWorks staff, Kimberly H. and Adoudé T., and will focus on supporting fellows during the second half of the fellowship (6 months – 1 year), boundaries, graduating fellows, and post-graduation.

After attending this webinar, participants will be able to:

Who should attend?
Staff of torture rehabilitation programs that are funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement and/or members of the National Consortium of Torture Treatment Programs.

Please note: To view these sessions you must be a full member and logged into your account. Please click here to log in or here to request an account.