This webinar, from September 9, 2009, offers case studies from two torture survivor programs. This is the third in a three-part series on spirituality. It is part of the National Capacity Building (NCB) webinar series. NCB is a project of the Center for Victims of Torture.
Recommended Articles:
- Piwowarczyk, L. (2005) Torture and spirituality: engaging the sacred in treatment. Torture 15(1), 1-8
- McKinney, Marcus M. “Treatment of survivors of torture: Spiritual domain” TORTURE. Volume 21, No. 1 (2011). (Link is to full article PDF on IRCT site.)
Recommended Books by Sharmin DeMoss:
- Brady, The Wisdom of Listening
- Chodron, When Things Fall Apart
- *Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning
- Henry/Henry, Reclaiming Soul in Health Care
- Kabat-Zinn, Full Catastrophe Living
- Kubler-Ross, On Death and Dying
- Lester, Hope in Pastoral Care and Counseling
- Means, Trauma and Evil
- Napier/DeMoss, Caregiver’s Guide to Secondary Traumatic Stress
- Romero, Voice of the Voiceless
- Stone, Brief Pastoral Counseling
*This is the only book the presenter requires for all interns. Piwowarczyk also quotes this. Recommendation: Get the large print copy with room in the margins for post-it notes.