- Clinical Care of Survivors of Torture: Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19: long-term neurocognitive impacts
The National Capacity Building (NCB) Project at the Center for Victims of Torture and The...
Free - Providing Trauma-informed Services to Older Survivors of Torture
Description: During the Virtual Town Meeting held on January 23, 2024, three insightful program presentations...
Free - The Great Resignation and its Impact on SOT Programs: A Way Forward
Description: Survivor of torture treatment programs have been profoundly impacted by the effects of COVID-19...
Free - Applying Ambiguous Loss Theory to Torture Survivors: A Conversation with Pauline Boss
Description: Survivors of torture have endured multiple and often catastrophic losses – loved ones, home,...
Free - COVID-19 – Where We are and the Path Ahead
Description: COVID-19 and the Delta Variant have caused significant stress, trauma, death, and grief globally...
Free - COVID Vaccinations: Practical and Ethical Considerations
Description: The COVID-19 crisis has particular implications for Survivors of Torture programs and non-hospital-based organizations...
Free - Presentation for ORR Grantees on COVID-19 Update, Medicines and Vaccines
Description: In this presentation Dr. Rajeev Bais of the University of South Carolina School of...