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2025 ORR Services for Survivors of Torture Recipient Meeting

The annual 2025 ORR SOT recipient meeting will be postponed until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to your travel plans.

The annual 2025 ORR SOT recipient meeting will be postponed until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to your travel plans.

General Information

The Office of Refugee Resettlement invites the Services for Survivors of Torture Program recipients to attend a one-day meeting on March 19, 2025 in Washington, DC. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss issues related to serving survivors and to share information among the recipients’ programs. Please arrange for at least one person in a leadership or program management position to attend the meeting and represent your program. If there are circumstances that are preventing your program from participating, please reach out to Tim Kelly or Sabrina Torres to discuss.

Due to limited room capacity, participation is limited to 2 primary attendees per organization. Additional individuals will be added to a wait list. Please note on your registration form if you are a primary attendee or if you would like to be added to the wait list.

Date and Time:   Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 8:00 AM for Security Clearance and Registration 

The meeting begins at 9:00 AM and ends at 5:00 PM Eastern Time with an optional ORR-SOT Recipient Social Hour from 5:30 – 7:30 PM

Location: Mary E. Switzer Building Conference Suite 1400, 1st Floor 330 C Street, SW. Washington, D.C 20201

Cost to attend: There is no fee to attend this meeting; however, each participant will be responsible for their own expenses to attend, including food and drink for lunch and breaks. 

Please plan to arrive at the Switzer Building by 8:00 AM. Please note that security processing at the Switzer Building may take several minutes, so we encourage you to arrive promptly. A valid, government-issued photo ID card is required to enter the Switzer Building; at this time a Real ID is not required. Please check that the identification you will be using is not expired for the meeting. 


8:00 AM: Security Clearance

8:30 AM: Registration/Coffee

9:00 AM-5:00 PM: Recipient Meeting

5:30 PM-7:30 PM: Social Hour (Optional)

Additional Information


Please note that the National Cherry Blossom Festival in DC starts on 3/20/25. This popular tourist event means that hotel rooms may be less available. We recommend you book your travel and lodging as early as possible.


The Switzer Building is in the National Mall/Capitol Hill neighborhood. There are several hotels near the meeting site, many of which you can see on this Google map. We are providing this information to give you some ideas about lodging options – not to make a recommendation. You may want to check with a site like: for hotel reviews and comments or sites like or or or your favorite site for booking. 


The March 2025 Federal Per Diem rate for lodging in March in DC is $276. M&IE is $92.


There are two Metro stops close to the meeting site:

  • Federal Center SW (Blue, Orange, and Silver Lines) is about a 4-minute walk. Go North on 3rd Street (toward D Street), turn left onto C Street SW.
  • L’Enfant Plaza (Green, Yellow, Blue, Orange, and Silver Lines) is about a 7-minute walk. Use the Maryland and 7th Street exit to leave the station. Go East on Maryland toward 6th St. SW, turn left onto C Street SW.

Meeting Questions

For questions about meeting logistics, please contact Megumi Layman at [email protected] For all other questions, please contact Tim Kelly at [email protected] or Sabrina Torres at [email protected].

Lunch Options

Important information: Please note that lunch will be on your own. There are several dining options nearby. You may want to consider ordering your food during the break so that it can be delivered. If you choose to leave the building, please be aware that you will need to go through security again and will be escorted upon re-entry.


Here are a few lunch options within walking distance:

  • The Cafe ( Laud Shawarma), Located in the Mary Switzer Building, 392-330 C St SW, West Entrance. Phone: (301) 454-9597
  • 2 Sisters Deli, 400 C St SW, Washington, District Of Columbia 20024. Phone: (202) 554-0099
  • Cafe 59, Note: Delivery Not Available, 409 3rd St SW #110, Washington, District Of Columbia 20024. Phone: (202) 554-1357
  • Starbucks, 550 C St. SW, Washington, District Of Columbia 20024. Phone: (202) 484-8059
  • Rice Bar, 600 Maryland Ave SW, Washington, District Of Columbia 20024. Phone: (202) 554-2041
Social Hour

Social gathering after the meeting from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm at Kirwan’s on the Wharf located at 749 Wharf Street SW Washington, DC 20024.

NCTTP Symposium and Meeting

You may have heard that in the days prior to this meeting, the National Consortium of Torture Treatment Programs is hosting a day-long symposium on Monday, March 17th, and the NCTTP member business meeting on Tuesday, March 18th. To register for either or both, please click here. If you would like information about either of these events, please contact Megumi Layman at [email protected].