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Services Provided
Legal Services, Social Services
Referral Information

Please email [email protected] or call 202-567-7980, or click here to look at our website for more information.

AsylumWorks was established in 2016 to reduce health disparities to ensure equal access to justice for asylum seekers and other underserved newcomers. AsylumWorks provides culturally and linguistically appropriate services to help newcomers protect and promote their health, participate in immigration legal proceedings, and access opportunities needed to integrate into their new communities. Services are provided by bilingual, bicultural staff under three core programs: Health & Wellness, Legal Navigation, and Employment & Education. Direct client services are free and available to individuals and families living in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Northern Virginia, regardless of language, country of origin, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and/or gender expression. Since 2016, AsylumWorks has served nearly 3,000 newcomers from over 55 countries. AsylumWorks clients are predominantly asylum seekers, asylees, or humanitarian parolees, including Afghan Allies.

AsylumWorks does not accept walk-ins. Prospective clients should visit the “Become a Client” page on AsylumWorks’ website to add their name to the waitlist, which is available in English, Spanish, French, Amharic, Pashto, and Persian/Dari. Given high demand for services, AsylumWorks closes its waitlist periodically to ensure existing clients are served promptly. If the waitlist is closed, clients should check back again on the first of each month.

AsylumWorks is a member of the National Consortium of Torture Treatment Programs.

Do you have to be a survivor of torture to be eligible for your services?

No. We serve newcomers seeking humanitarian-based immigration protection with a predominant focus on asylum-seeking individuals and families, asylees, or humanitarian parolees, including Afghan Allies.

If someone is not eligible for your services do you assist with local referrals?


Expanded details of program’s services

AsylumWorks was established to reduce health disparities to ensure equal access to justice for asylum seekers and other underserved newcomers. Direct client services are free and available to individuals and families living in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Northern Virginia, regardless of language, country of origin, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and/or gender expression. AsylumWorks clients are predominantly asylum seekers, asylees, or humanitarian parolees, including Afghan Allies.

Key Partners in Direct Care (Please send referrals to healing center first)

Mental health and healthcare services are provided by community partners for free or at very low cost.